Geologists are saying that we are already living in a new era on planet Earth called Anthropocenus. They say it was generated by the industrialised nations and their elites after turning Industry into the new engine that defines the whole planet's dynamics.

Despite all the attention that environment is getting lately the truth is that an economic model based on the uncontrolled and abusive exploitation of natural resources and excessive consumption of manufactured goods is still being taken as an example for a prosperous future in most underdeveloped countries, despite its obvious failure.

After decades of historical exploitation by the official metropolis, Africa is now hopelessly embracing the remains of other´s mistakes becoming a target market for low quality and highly toxic products with hardly any planning made to manage the “after party”.

With this state of things we decided to approach all environmental issues as a whole, projecting what the challenges would be for the territories that are more exposed and less prepared for the consequences of this excess. We decided to visualise the effects of macro-economics into African micro-routines.

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